
‘Twin Peaks’: Week 1

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TV Times had such an overwhelming response to the Sept. 2 question on “Twin Peaks” (see responses below) we’re going to give Peakies another shot to sound off. This time, tell us what you think about the season debut, a two-hour episode Sunday at 9 p.m. on ABC. (The second show also airs this week, Saturday at 10 p.m.) Watch the opener and tell us if it was all you’d hoped for in the continuing saga of Agent Cooper (Kyle MacLachlan, pictured) et al. Or perhaps your time would have been better spent talking to a log...

Here are the responses to the Sept. 2 question: Why do you love or hate “Twin Peaks”?

I think one of the best things about “Twin Peaks” is how one week you’re positive you know who the killer of Laura Palmer is, but the next week you change your mind because of some newfound evidence.

Chari Folkman, Moorpark

I watch “Twin Peaks” for the great writing, interesting characters and arresting visuals.

Steve Ryan, Fullerton

“Twin Peaks” is the freshest, most innovative show on television today. From the haunting music to the brilliant cast, “Twin Peaks” is a perfectly orchestral hour of television.


However, as celebrated as “Twin Peaks” is, it is not a show for everyone. “Twin Peaks” isn’t like the typical TV show; its plot isn’t wrapped up in a tidy little half-hour. The viewer must be patient and willing to be led on a wild, fantastic and mesmerizing journey with the creative genius of David Lynch as the guide.

Amy M. Raat, Santa Ana

I’m mad! I feel so absolutely overwhelmingly stupid to have been sucked in to watch “Twin Peaks.” Underneath there must be some semblance of a plot, but it’s concealed under such a deluge of weird characters, each odder than the next, that we never quite figure it out.

The producers truly owe the audience an apology.

John D. Andrews, Palos Verdes Peninsula

“Twin Peaks” is outstanding TV fare, far above the current crop of inane sitcoms and cop shows. Nothing is even close to the “Twin Peaks” quality.


The marvelous shots of lonely mountains, far-off waterfalls and clear rivers coupled to the slow, deep cadence of the theme song combine to establish a foreboding, mysterious feeling of an isolated town, where a form of cabin fever makes anything possible.

Once the mood is set, an inspired cast takes over. Agent Cooper is in a class by himself, a little looney, but totally professional, totally believable and fun.

Richard D. Lyndon, La Palma

I watch “Twin Peaks” because it’s one of the few shows that you have to pay attention to; it’s so convoluted that it’s a mental exercise--A to B to E to Z. It’s also given my home state (Washington) a goodly amount of publicity. If “Twin Peaks” coffee comes out, I’ll be the first in line.


Catrina Guerra, Santa Ana

My husband and I were avid fans during the season and plan on staying tuned to this series when it resumes with its new episodes this fall.

Our interest in this series is sparked not only by its unusual and sometimes bizarre presentation but also by the fact that it seems to appeal to viewers who want more out of TV than “The Simpsons” or “Married . . . With Children” could ever hope to achieve.

Carol Kiesig, Dana Point

“Twin Peaks” is total perfection. The mystery and intrigue elements are compelling. I like the music and dark edge. I hope after Laura’s murder is resolved the mystery factor will stay alive.

Judy Cauchon, Canoga Park
