
L.A. Major League Winter Meetings Are in Jeopardy


The major league phase of baseball’s winter meetings, scheduled for Los Angeles in late November and early December, may be canceled or moved to another city, Commissioner Fay Vincent told The Times Saturday night.

The problem centers on the inability of the major leagues and the National Assn. of Professional Baseball Leagues, which governs the minors, to reach accord on the bargaining agreement that binds them.

Among areas of disagreement is a reluctance by the major leagues to continue subsidizing the minors at the previous level, considering that the minors have experienced an economic boom.


It is thought that the National Assn. convention--at which the major leagues hold those annual meetings--would proceed as scheduled in Los Angeles.

“But it would be awkward for us to join them (without an agreement),” Vincent said.

“I presume that we would simply have an owners meeting elsewhere.”
