
SHORT TAKES : ‘So Vain’ Simon Ponders Aging

From Times Wire Services

Carly Simon’s so vain.

The 45-year-old singer said she is trying to “come to terms” with getting older but acknowledged it has been difficult.

“In five years maybe I won’t be so attractive. People won’t whistle at me on the street anymore,” she said in an interview for the TV show “Personalities.”

“I’m not above having those fears or apprehensions about losing my attractiveness, or whatever,” Simon said. “Even though inside I know that sexuality is something to do more basically with who you are . . . than how old you are.”


Simon, whose hits include “You’re So Vain” and the Oscar-winning “Let the River Run,” said her fear of growing old started when she was about 26.

“Inside me, there’s a part of me, a little voice saying, ‘Oooh, I wish I was 39 again’ or ‘I wish I was 25 again,’ or whatever,” she said.
