
LA HABRA : Man Injured in 2 Suicide Attempts

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A 24-year-old La Habra man set himself on fire and hurled himself in front of a moving car Sunday in separate attempts at suicide, police said.

The man, whom police identified as Daniel Dobbs, was rushed to UCI Medical Center in Orange. Police officers said Dobbs suffered serious burns on both legs as well as injuries when the car struck him.

Officials at UCI would not confirm the extent of Dobbs’ injuries but said he was in fair and stable condition.


Police said the incident began about midday Sunday when friends of Dobbs were trying to persuade him to seek help for depression. Dobbs, who lives in the Wood Lake Village apartment complex on West Lambert Road, apparently grew angry and locked himself inside a gated area surrounding the complex’s pool.

“Witnesses said he lit his clothes on fire,” La Habra Police Sgt. Phil Stufflebean said. “When his friends saw what was happening, they got into the pool area and threw him in the pool.”

That put out the fire, and once out of the pool Dobbs agreed to walk across the street to the Friendly Hills Medical Center. Although Dobbs at first appeared willing and accompanied his friends, he jumped into oncoming traffic when they were halfway across the busy, four-lane roadway, Stufflebean said.


“He jumped in front of the car, without any provocation and without any warning to the driver,” Stufflebean said.

Dobbs hit the front windshield, shattering it and leaving the driver badly shaken, The impact of the collision tossed Dobbs about 100 feet, police said.

Dobbs was conscious when officers arrived about 1 p.m. He was treated at the scene and then taken to UCI.
