
Power Failure Stops Nuclear Plant Unit

From a Times Staff Writer

One of three units at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station was out of commission Friday after the failure of an internal power line shut the unit down during the night, plant officials said.

According to plant spokesman Dave Barron, the supply of electricity to non-nuclear components in Unit 2 failed at about 10 p.m. Thursday, leading to an automatic shutdown. The components are associated with equipment monitoring the turbine generator, he said.

Inspection crews were trying to determine the cause of the problem, which will keep the unit out of order until Sunday or Monday, Barron said. Power to customers of San Diego Gas & Electric Co. and Southern California Edison Co. will not be affected, he said.


No injuries were reported and no radioactive materials were released, Barron said. The plant is on the ocean side of Interstate 5 in San Diego County, just southeast of the San Clemente border.
