
Jimmy Carter on Gulf and Energy

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Kudos to Jack Nelson for the interview with President Carter (Opinion, Dec. 2). Perhaps, if Carter would explain to George Bush the background of Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait and our own culpability, we could have a peaceful settlement in the Persian Gulf. Perhaps not--Bush isn’t any great shakes at listening. Besides, what better than a shooting war to take our minds off of our homeless, the debacle of our infrastructure, the growing number of unemployed, the billions disappeared from national coffers? Reagan-Bush spent and spent on the military, defined what they think of as our underclass, then shifted our national wealth to the few at the top. It still goes on.

Oh, the foolish people who, in their personal greed, fail to see the false front of Ronald Reagan and his supporter, the man from the CIA! Did any of them listen to Bill Moyer’s “High Crimes and Misdemeanors” on public television? Impeachable lawbreaking by Reagan-Bush, gross and illegal disregard for the national good.

Thank you, Jack Nelson! Thank you, President Carter, for again giving us hope! You gave us the Camp David Accords, you still work for peace and good. Thank you for not embarking on the highly paid Japanese speaking circuit, thank you for not spending your days on the golf course, thank you for not setting up a library in order to sustain a falsehood. You lift our minds and hearts.


