
Male Prostitute, 29, Acquitted in Slaying

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An admitted male prostitute accused of killing a man who picked him up in Hollywood last year was acquitted on a murder charge Tuesday by jurors who said they thought he acted in self-defense.

Jonathan Nichols, 29, was on trial for the December, 1989, death of Edward Parsley, 52, who was fatally stabbed in his Sylmar residence. Nichols said he stabbed Parsley after the man threatened to beat him and turn his dogs on him because he refused to allow Parsley to sodomize him.

Parsley was stabbed several times in the back and shoulder with a kitchen knife early Dec. 9.


Nichols wept and laid his head against Deputy Public Defender David Coleman’s shoulder as the court clerk read the jury’s verdict.

Jurors said outside the courtroom they believed Coleman’s argument that Nichols was justified in killing Parsley because he feared for his life. They also said they were swayed by Nichols’ testimony in the case.

“He did have a reason to fear that he was in danger,” juror Wanda Demetrion of Sylmar said.
