
South Gate : Neighbors Evacuated While Police Dispose of Dynamite

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Nearly 800 residents were evacuated from their homes Tuesday while deputies from the sheriff’s bomb squad safely destroyed 111 sticks of old dynamite found in a garage across the street from an elementary school.

South Gate police called sheriff’s explosive experts to remove the dynamite that was found in the garage of a house at 8637 San Gabriel Ave. The dynamite was moved to the yard of San Gabriel Elementary School, where deputies disposed of it. The deputies neutralized the explosive sticks by soaking them in diesel fuel, then burning them.

South Gate Police Lt. Mike Blaska said the dynamite apparently belonged to the deceased husband of the elderly woman who owns the house. The man, who died about three months ago, was believed to have been in the construction business, Blaska said.


Police did not identify the woman or her husband.

The explosives were discovered by a friend who was helping the woman prepare to move out of the house, police said. The explosives were discovered in a container dated 1942, but police said they were not sure how long the dynamite had been there. However, it had started to crystallize and was considered to be very dangerous and unstable.

The discovery was made about 2:18 p.m. Residents were allowed to return around 10 p.m.
