
Wilson Asks Forestry Board to Deny Bid to Log Acres of Ancient Redwoods

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From a Times Staff Writer

Gov.-elect Pete Wilson has written a letter urging the state Board of Forestry to reject a timber company proposal to cut down parts of one of the last privately owned ancient redwood forests.

Wilson sided with conservationists against plans by Pacific Lumber Co. to log an initial 564 acres of the 3,000-acre Headwaters Forest in Humboldt County. The company’s plan was denied by state Director of Forestry Harold Walt but the board, which meets Jan. 9, can override his decision.

In a letter to the board dated Friday, Wilson said Pacific’s logging plans violate a legal requirement that the company mitigate adverse environmental impacts caused by its cutting operations.


“I am therefore writing to urge you . . . to uphold the denial,” Wilson said. “ . . . As governor, I will work to preserve additional old-growth redwoods in California’s north coast, including protection of an ecologically significant portion of the Headwaters Forest.”

Wilson will take office as governor Jan. 7, two days before the board, made up of appointees of outgoing Gov. George Deukmejian, is scheduled to tackle the issue. Both as governor and governor-elect, Wilson can try to persuade--but cannot force--the board to act according to his will.
