
Boycott of ‘Psycho’ Publisher Debated

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Instead of the National Organization for Women, NOW should stand for the Notorious Organization of Whiners, as it is making a big deal out of a trashy, insignificant book.

By drumming up tons of free publicity for “American Psycho,” NOW is defeating its primary purpose of trying to persuade people not to buy the book, because people who ordinarily wouldn’t read it probably now will just out of curiosity. If NOW had left this piece of trash alone, “Psycho” would probably have died a quiet, uneventful death, much like Bret Ellis’ previous book.

Although NOW claims that this book degrades women because women are tortured, dismembered, mutilated, raped and murdered by the score, it also doesn’t really do much for the image of men because it makes men appear to be a bunch of sadistic, cold-blooded killers.



