
Orange : Resolution Adopted Supporting Troops

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The City Council this week unanimously adopted a resolution expressing “wholehearted support” for U.S. troops in the Persian Gulf.

The resolution states that “Iraqi invaders committed horrible atrocities against the civilian population of a small nation.” It also states that the city supports the troops and U.S. leaders because, “as has often been the case in this century, a major share of this war’s effort falls upon our country to see (the war) through to a successful conclusion.”

Although the resolution is symbolic, the council agreed to forward a copy to President Bush.


Councilwoman Joanne Coontz suggested sending the resolution to Washington.

“Let’s send it all the way up to the top,” she said.

Last month, the council approved a measure to extend the health benefits for dependents of city employees who are called to active duty in the Gulf.

Mayor Gene Beyer said the council may also explore ways to make up the difference between military pay and the salary of city employees.
