
Polluted Keys

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The Ventura Keys are full of harmful, bacteria-laden junk that our city allows to drain into its own harbor. The city condones this dumping of filth by ignoring it or by insisting it is a homeowner problem.

When the Keys people asked the city to stop polluting and clean it up, the city answered in a strange rhetoric about the Keys not being a regular part of Ventura and therefore subject to special rules and regulations. Somehow, this smacked of sour grapes. Putting it bluntly, the Keys is probably Ventura’s most affuent area and our City Council seems to have a problem with that.

It is my understanding our City Council has spent taxpayer money to find out why the City Council doesn’t get along with itself. They seem to have personality problems that interfere with the decision-making process, so let us take personalities out of the picture. I would suggest they divert some of that “psychodrama” money being used for self-analysis and invest that taxpayer money in binding arbitration for a much-needed solution to the pollution of the Ventura Keys.



