
Firm Hired for Ahmanson Makeover


The long-discussed reconfiguration of the Music Center’s Ahmanson Theatre has advanced a step forward with the hiring of the architectural firm Ellerbe Becket, the same firm (then known as Welton Becket) that designed the Music Center nearly three decades ago.

But the significance of the Ellerbe Becket hiring will probably depend on the cost estimates the firm brings back along with its designs, as well as the ability of the ability of the Music Center and the Center Theatre Group boards to raise the necessary money.

Construction cost estimates of the initial ideas, submitted a year ago by three architectural firms and a theater consulting firm, ranged from $10 million to $30 million, according to a source close to the planning.


And construction could take as long as a year, which would mean the theater would not be a revenue source during that time.

“The main goals of the reconfiguration include greater intimacy and a more pleasing atmosphere. . . improved acoustics and sight lines and audience comfort,” said Lawrence J. Ramer, president of the Center Theatre Group board, in a prepared statement.

“We intend to make the (2,071-seat) Ahmanson flexible in size, ranging from possibly 1,400 to 2,100 seats, to increase the potential for presenting a wide varity of exciting theater.” Ramer could not be reached by press for additional comment.
