
Mayor and Water

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I am writing with regard to the story “Mayor’s Water Use Soars With 2nd Meter” (March 17). At the moment my family of five members are practically bathing in a teacup and keeping our water consumption to under 250 gallons per day, compared to her honor’s 3,248 per day.

My reason for writing is to find out how we too can get a second water meter. The mayor has one for her “fish and trees,” and, while we cannot boast of a fish pond, we do have birds, trees and flowers that live in our garden, along with a lovable dog that also enjoys the great outdoors. Now if we had two meters we could naturally conserve and save twice as much water. Maybe a meter for each member of the family could result in five times the savings. I didn’t realize that the mayor’s idea of 50% voluntary water conservation meant only counting the gallons on one of her meters.

I think perhaps her stand on voluntary water savings was more for the benefit of her fish than the people of San Diego.


