
Diamond Bar Council Will Hear People in November


The mental midgets on the Diamond Bar City Council have done it again! At the April 16 City Council meeting, they went against the residents of the community and against the recommended action and unanimous vote of the Planning Commission to allow a developer time so he may be able to build a 40-foot-high, three-story office building on a vacant lot which was at one time zoned for residential use only.

This area is primarily a single-family residential area. Documents were presented on behalf of 27 residents and homeowners in opposition of this project. This talk fell upon deaf ears! Residents (of this area) have had very little consideration from the City Council since we incorporated two years ago.

The Planning Commission, which is appointed by the City Council, was voided in a few minutes after the Planning Commission had spent countless hours in research and interviews. This item will be heard again at the council meeting scheduled for May 21.


Our elected officials are there to serve the people of the community, not their own whims and desires as to how they think!

The November elections for Diamond Bar City Council are just around the corner and “we” the people will be heard as we put people in office who really care about the community and will listen to what we say.


Diamond Bar
