
STAGE REVIEW : Porter Tribute Is Well Intentioned but Off Key : Some of the songs in San Clemente Community Theatre’s revue present a challenge that the singing just isn’t up to.


June 9 marked the 100th anniversary of Cole Porter’s birth. Luckily for him, he missed San Clemente Community Theatre’s current musical tribute to his music, “No Mother but Jazz.”

It’s not that the revue--which intersperses Porter’s astounding musical achievements with momentous events from life--isn’t entertaining. It is. Or that its cast members aren’t enthusiastic. They are.

But singing Porter can be a formidable challenge: Along with his witty lyrics, Porter was known for gracefully etched melodies as well as experiments with harmony. If only this cast had the vocal range the songs demanded . . . and the ability to sing, as an ensemble, on key.


In the first half of the show, which was largely composed of up-tempo tunes, the harmonies were especially off key. Things came together better in Act II. This cast was much more comfortable, and confident, with slower numbers, better at staying in tune and displaying emotion as well as range.

In fact, there’s even a show-stopping routine in Act I: a rendition of “Well, Did You Evah?” by the tuxedo-clad, champagne-toting party-crashing duo of Tom Reilly (who also is the show’s technical director) and Stan Manning (doing triple duty as producer and stage manager as well). Too bad these gents didn’t crash the bash earlier.

Elsewhere, Ken Weaver had a particularly smooth voice and delivery (notably during “It’s De-Lovely”), director Joan Ray delivered a heartfelt rendition of “Love for Sale” (despite a touch of laryngitis, for which she apologized) and displayed lots of presence. Likewise Loretta Conway, but her Ethel Merman-ish in-your-face delivery proved more trying than affecting: A little less would be more. As for the entire show, a little more--more harmony, more feeling--would be, as Porter might put it, c’est magnifique.


A San Clemente Community Theatre production of the Cole Porter revue. Book and concept by John Alexander Lee and Susan Thomas Lee. Directed by Joan Ray. With Loretta Conway, Ross Goodcell, Dianne Greiner, April Morgan, Alice Netzen, Joan Ray, Ken Weaver, Betty Jo Razor, Tom Reilly and Stan Manning. Pianist-arranger: Dorothy Ellis Hopper. At the Cabrillo Playhouse, 202 Avenida Cabrillo, San Clemente. Wednesdays through Saturdays at 8 p.m. through June 29; with a matinee at 2 p.m. Saturday. Tickets: $10. Information: (714) 492-0465.
