
Our Environment

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I read with great interest Suzan Kalvoda’s commentary about the unthinking and rude children and adults who seem to have no concern for our environment (“View of the Future Is Cluttered by Generation’s Cruelty to Nature,” Aug. 11).

What a contrast to the week I just spent helping to teach school-age kids about the environment at the First Presbyterian Church of Oceanside’s Vacation Bible School.

The kids had a great concern for taking care of nature. They eagerly took part in lessons explaining global warming, the ozone layer, protection of animals and their habitats, recycling and conservation of energy and water. These kids picked up in a few days what we had been trying to get across to the adults at our church for a year and a half.


Children can be taught to respect and protect the environment if those of us who care enough take the time to do it. Since the children in Kalvoda’s neighborhood don’t seem to be getting the message at home, I hope the local school teachers, youth club and center leaders, and church school teachers read her commentary and will incorporate the message into their curriculums. Our future depends on it.

PAM MARINO, Oceanside
