
NOTEBOOK / BOB WOLF : Crossed Signals Leave Benes, Santiago Feeling A Bit Cross

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A communication breakdown between Andy Benes and Benito Santiago led to some frayed tempers in the third inning of the Padres’ 2-1 victory over the Atlanta Braves Sunday at San Diego Jack Murphy Stadium.

With Otis Nixon at bat and runners on first and second, Benes threw a fastball when Santiago was expecting a curve. Santiago missed the pitch and was charged with a passed ball.

Benes and Santiago were unnerved by what happened, and pitching coach Mike Roarke trotted out to calm them. However, at the end of the inning, during which the Braves scored their only run, television cameras caught the following scenario in the Padre dugout:


Benes put down his glove with emphasis and charged up the runway. Santiago had an animated conversation with Roarke and Manager Greg Riddoch, then was pulled away by teammate Tony Fernandez and led to the other end of the dugout. Roarke followed, and had more words with Santiago.

After the game, Santiago said, “It was just a mix-up in signs. We talked to each other and straightened it out.”

Benes took the blame, and even chastised himself for getting upset.

“I feel bad the way I reacted to it,” Benes said. “It was Andy’s fault and nobody else’s. Benny gave the sign for a breaking ball and I blew it. After that, I didn’t make a very good pitch to (Jeff) Treadway and he drove in their only run. I’ve got to control myself better than that.”
