
VENTURA : Crime Costs Rise 20% for Schools


Vandalism, burglaries and theft on public school grounds cost the Ventura Unified School District nearly 20% more during the last school year than the previous year, a district report shows.

Crime in Ventura schools cost the district about $49,700 during the 1990-91 scholastic year, up from about $41,300 the year earlier, according to the report that is scheduled for discussion at tonight’s school board meeting.

Overall, there were 579 crimes reported at district facilities last year. The report includes damages to a district warehouse, to adult education facilities and to the district’s 23 elementary, middle and high schools.


Most of the incidents involved broken windows or graffiti, said acting Assistant Supt. Joseph Richards Jr. He said the number of crimes has increased, but figures on the number of incidents for 1989-90 were not available.

“Crime in the community is increasing, although not at an alarming rate, and that’s reflected in these figures,” Richards said.

Ventura High School was first on the list with 97 crimes and expenses of more than $8,900 for labor and materials. During the previous year, officials spent about $4,400 on school repairs.

Buena High School was second, with 68 incidents and damages totaling more than $8,600, compared to $5,809 the previous year.

Arnaz Elementary School showed one of the most dramatic increases. In 1989-90, only one window was broken, which cost the district $49.60. But 10 incidents at Arnaz last year cost $1,025.

Officials are forming a special committee to look for ways to improve campus safety districtwide, including securing facilities and decreasing gang activity, Richards said.
