
Sockers Get Extensive Radio, Cable Deal

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The Sockers announced Thursday that all 1991-92 road games and 12 home games will be carried live on either KFMB-AM (760) or the San Diego Cable Sports Network.

The package marks a departure from the past in which the previous broadcast outlet delayed some games to 11 p.m. or shipped others to a low-wattage station. Some games were not broadcast on any station.

“This is a big improvement,” said Sockers marketing director Tim Latta, “in that we are now on a station that has ratings as opposed to one that doesn’t, and also in that our road games will be carried live during afternoon drive time.”


In addition, the MSL Report, a call-in talk show that has not been carried for three seasons, will be back after home-game broadcasts.

Eight Sunday home games will not be aired.

Among play-by-play candidates are: Randy Hahn, long-time Sockers radio man; John Paul Dellacamera, who has called soccer games for various cable networks; Bill Macdonald, who handled the Sockers when they were on Prime Ticket; Kevin Wall, former voice of the Kansas City Comets; Ty Keough, who also has worked for several cable networks; Phil Stone, former sports anchor for KNSD; and Tony Lovitt.

With forward Thompson Usiyan in the fold, the Sockers now have nine players under contract.


Usiyan said he signed for the same amount offered by his old club before the St. Louis Storm traded him for Branko Segota. That sum was $45,000.

The Sockers would like to sign defender Arturo Velazco, but Velazco first must be freed from contractual commitments with the Milwaukee Wave of the National Professional Soccer League, where he played last season.

Milwaukee has an option on Velazco, but Coach Johan Aarnio doesn’t want to hinder Velazco from advancing his career.


The solution may be an inter-league trade involving midfielder Jim Gabarra, who has spent the past two seasons with the Sockers.

Gabarra, a free-agent, already has been offered a contract by the Wave, and the Sockers have not countered it.

If Gabarra signs with the Wave, “we would outright release Arturo at that point,” Aarnio said.


Left wing Steve Martinson, who led the Gulls with 12 power-play goals last year before signing as a free agent with the NHL Minnesota North Stars, will be back with the Gulls under a player-development agreement.


Jose Luis Noriega of USD defeated Luciano D’Andrea of Virginia Commonwealth, 7-6 (7-5), 6-2, in a first-round match in the National Intercollegiate Clay Court Tennis Championships at Wilmington, N.C. Noriega, who won in 1989, is seeded third.

In other matches involving San Diego players, Joe McDonough of San Diego State lost to Chris Pressley of Duke, 6-4, 6-4, while on the women’s side, Tuck Kacharoen of USD was eliminated by Kay Louthian of Florida, 6-0, 2-6, 6-4.
