
Illegal Immigrants: Unwelcome In Orange, Yet Necessary


A couple of reactions from readers D.L. Bach and Bob Munson (Letters, Oct. 9) regarding the INS raids have gotten the best of me. Both letters display an appalling display of ignorance regarding this complex issue.

First, illegal aliens are hardly a burden: economically, politically, socially or in any other way. The reality is that these persons are doing much of the work that “legal” persons would never “degrade” themselves by doing. The produce and virtually every other service-oriented industry absolutely demands this labor force. Without these so-called “burdens,” prices would skyrocket.

Second, Bach’s claim that poverty and injustice do not entitle anyone to a share of the resources in this country is a genuine display of good old American warmth. A surname like Bach seems to indicate that this person’s ancestors also came from elsewhere, presumably to “share the resources” of this great land.


Third, Munson’s remark that soon “there won’t be many Americans left” is the typical alarmist rhetoric from those who seem to think that people who immigrate are here to take over and conquer the American people and society. Hey folks, it’s time to wake up and get a sense of reality! These immigrants aren’t here because they love America or want to be Americans. The majority would rather stay in their own countries with their own friends, families, customs, religions and languages.

This elitist attitude that has developed in a relatively short time (200 years) is hardly what our founding fathers had in mind when they fled Europe to better themselves and their families to enjoy a “share of the resources in this country.”

E.C. BARRAGAN, Rancho Santa Margarita
