
BUENA PARK : City Council to Hear Home Remodel Plan

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Residents of Cedar Drive, who sparked a neighborhood outcry last month when they asked permission to expand their home, will take their case before the City Council tonight.

Glen and Lois Newcomer requested permission to add two bedrooms and a bath to their house on the northeast corner of Cedar Drive and Cherry Circle. Neighbors, however, complained that it would block their view and devalue their property.

Trying to stave off a neighborhood dispute, the City Council has postponed a decision to give both sides a chance to air their differences.


“I would hate to see us begin a feud,” City Councilman Donald L. Bone said.

During the last few weeks, a new design has been submitted. City staff members say the impact on surrounding homeowners would be reduced.

But a few homeowners, who have been contacted by the city, say they do not agree.

To approve the expansion, the council must grant the Newcomers a variance. The city staff recommends sending the revised plan back to the Planning Commission for consideration. The City Council is scheduled to consider the matter at 6 p.m.
