
DANA POINT : Term Limits Issue Is Closer to Ballot


The City Council took its first steps Tuesday toward drafting a ballot measure that would allow city voters to decide whether council members should be limited to two consecutive terms of service.

The measure, which was proposed by Mayor Mike Eggers and will go before the council again Jan. 28 for final approval, is scheduled to appear on the June election ballot.

“Term limits ensure a regular infusion of fresh ideas and new approaches to solving problems,” Eggers said. “Eight years is a long time for any member to serve on the council.”


Seven other cities in the county have already enacted such limits.

As proposed in Dana Point, a former council member with two terms of service can sit out for two years and then run again.

City Councilwoman Eileen Krause, the only council member who did not support the proposal when it first came to the council a year ago, said she does support allowing the voters to decide.

“I didn’t support it at first, but if the citizens of the city support it, then I have no problem with it,” Krause said If approved by the voters in June, the measure would not be retroactive, and no council members would be directly affected.
