
Downey : Police Dept. to Stay but Its Expenses Will Be Examined


The Downey City Council agreed Tuesday not to consider replacing its Police Department with sheriff’s deputies.

Earlier this year, Mayor Barbara J. Hayden had proposed investigating the benefits of doing away with the Police Department, the city’s largest expense.

The proposal would have required voter approval of a change in the City Charter, City Manager Gerald Caton said.


Instead, city staff will review a study of more efficient use of funds by the Police Department. Caton will make recommendations concerning the department to the council in May or June, he said.

In other action Tuesday, council members unanimously approved spending $330,100 to purchase a new police two-way radio system that will provide patrolmen with constant communication with police headquarters.

Chief of Police D. Clayton Mayes had requested 70 new walkie-talkies, but Caton recommended refurbishing the existing ones, saving the city about $100,000, he said.
