
S.I. Hayakawa


I’ll never forget the humor, charm and wisdom of S.I. Hayakawa. When this esteemed gentleman chose me to serve as his first congressional page in the U.S. Senate, my initial reaction was one of awe. But as I met and got to know Hayakawa, I found that this grand old man had a very human side.

Upon my arrival in Washington, the senator and I had a candid, one-on-one conversation in his office about everything from the Senate to my social interests. He escorted me around the office and introduced me to his personal staff. This was all pretty heady stuff for a high school sophomore from the San Fernando Valley.

In the Senate, I watched the senator vote his conscience and convictions. While most other politicians would take the opinion polls into great consideration before voting, Hayakawa would have none of it. And while most politicians seemed mainly preoccupied with raising funds for the next election, Hayakawa would not bow to the moneyed California Republican kingmakers. He was quite rare. He will be missed.


