
Hunter’s Checks


I have always believed that Congressman Duncan Hunter was one of our finest representatives. I still agree with his politics all the time, but his admission that he used his House bank account to write over 400 “insufficient funds” checks in the past three years leaves me cold. He further admits that he has routinely taken advantage of the House bank’s tolerance of this activity since 1981. He also says he has a similar overdraft history at the Bank of Coronado.

Is this a pattern? He sidesteps his statement, “I don’t apologize for it,” by telling voters that he supports a scholarship fund he set up in 1985 for needy students in his district by making voluntary $147-a-month payments to it. With what? Bad checks? And, even if that’s right, so what? What does one have to do with the other?

Mr. Hunter was asked how he thought voters would regard his explanation. He answered, “Let them draw their own conclusions.” Well, this voter has. Even though I have the highest respect for his politics and everything he has done for San Diego, I believe it is time for him to be replaced, because, after a decade on Capitol Hill, he’s become one of “them” and no longer one of “us.”


