
Working Together During This Crisis


I would like to congratulate my neighbors. On Friday morning, May 1, I walked around the block to give out copies of the following letter:

“There is something you can do . . .

“Today as I walk around the block, I am asking for donations for the American Red Cross and First AME Church.

“The crisis has touched us all in some way. I feel that an important part of the healing process is giving to those who now have nothing. Please do what you can.


“The American Red Cross requests only money at this time. They distribute vouchers to families in need to purchase new supplies. The woman on the phone mentioned that this will also stimulate the economy in affected areas. I would like to collect the checks and send them in together so that we can make a statement of support as a neighborhood. If you would like to send the check yourself, the address is: American Red Cross, 2700 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles CA 90057. If you want more information, please call them at (213) 739-5205. They are taking names and phone numbers of people who want to volunteer.

“If you can’t give money or would also like to give something else, I will be collecting items for the First AME Church. This church is located in the middle of the worst affected area and is currently housing 25 families in its basement. It’s time to clean out those closets and cupboards!”

Everyone I spoke to responded with warmth and relief. I could almost hear an inaudible sigh, “Yes, I can do something.” Boxes and bags began to appear on my front lawn. People wrote checks. Altogether, the residents of El Redondo and Vincent Park, in Redondo Beach, collected nine boxes and four large plastic bags full of clothes, food and blankets and almost $200. One mother wrote a note to First AME: “Please give these books and puzzles to the children being sheltered. These things will help them pass the time. Love, the Martinez Family.”

There’s a lot of hatred, anger and frustration out there. And, there is a lot of hope, community feeling and love. Let us all work together now to heal our psyches and our city. Thank you to all my neighbors and all who give from their hearts.


Redondo Beach
