
Revenue From L.A. Airport


Ruth Galanter’s Commentary piece (May 29) on LAX, if representative of the situation (that’s not always the case with politicians), provokes yet more criticism of elected and appointed officials, local as well as national.

It appears that once again, the public cannot trust people in policy-making positions to serve our interests and not those with vested financial stakes in a multimillion-dollar operation. Because the issues are likely very complicated to the point that laypeople are not informed enough to judge them intelligently, we must, of necessity, leave the rectification of the situation to our officials.

Missing from Galanter’s comments is any mention of how the funds are used to improve LAX itself. There seems to have been only minor changes in the facility since the second deck was added for the Olympics eight years ago. There’s lots to do there to upgrade its aesthetics, safety and comfort. So, in addition to trying to use some of the airport’s profits for city purposes, it would seem that some of the revenues should be spent on LAX itself.


