


Some slang slung on L.A.’s outdoor basketball courts:

deny or reject v. To block the ball.

drain v. To make a shot without hitting the rim. “I drained those free throws.”

ice adj . Cool under pressure.

glass n. Backboard. “I was right under the glass; you should have sent it to me.”

good bust n. Nice shot.

money adj. The player you go to when you need a basket. “Jake’s fast, but Eddie’s the money.

“my dad” or “my bust” n. Exclamation after making a bad shot.

“we got numbers”Exclamation by the team with the most players downcourt on a fast break.

rip v. To steal the ball. “He ripped it; I didn’t even see him.”

rock n. The ball.

send, dish or feed v. To pass. “Don’t hold the rock, man, dish it. Dish it.”

swing it v. To pass the ball around.

take v. To drive the ball for a layup

wearing pink glasses n. Unable to stop an opponent from scoring. “We should’ve had ‘em, but we were wearing the pink glasses.

Windex n. One who plays well under the glass.
