
EAST SAN FERNANDO VALLEY : EPA Plans Session on Ground Water


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has scheduled a public meeting in Glendale on July 23 to take comments on a proposed cleanup plan under the federal Superfund program that has targeted polluted ground water supplies beneath a vast area of the San Fernando Valley and Glendale.

The 6:30 p.m. meeting at Glendale Public Library, 222 E. Harvard St., will focus on a plan to purge ground water of toxic solvents. EPA officials said the treatment system could be built at one of several Glendale sites north of the Ventura Freeway for about $36 million.

Officials said the proposed cleanup plan should be available for review by the end of next week at the Glendale library, the Cal State Northridge library, UCLA’s University Research Library and the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power headquarters.
