
“Noncooks,” Julia Child once said, “think it’s...


“Noncooks,” Julia Child once said, “think it’s silly to invest two hours’ work in two minutes’ enjoyment.” If you think there’s nothing foolish about spending hours in the kitchen, you might want to consider a career in cooking. And if money’s a problem, you may want to consider getting financial assistance. The International Assn. of Culinary Professionals is now accepting applications for their Culinary Scholarship Program for the 1993-1994 academic year. The association offers 52 scholarships to cooking schools in the United States and Europe, available to anyone between the ages of 18 and 70. To apply, write IACP Foundation Scholarships, 304 W. Liberty, Suite 201, Louisville, Ky. 40202, or call (502) 587-7953. Deadline is Nov. 1.
