
Holiday Drunk-Driving Arrests Up


California Highway Patrol officers arrested 125 people on suspicion of driving drunk on Orange County highways over the long holiday weekend, authorities said Monday.

The tally by 6 a.m. Monday had outstripped last year’s 116 arrests of drunk-driving suspects for the entire 1991 Labor Day weekend.

But it fell short of the 167 arrests made for the same holiday weekend in 1990, when CHP officers--armed with a tougher legal standard for drunkenness--mounted a crackdown on county highways.


Statewide, CHP officers had made 1,992 arrests of motorists suspected of driving under the influence between 6 p.m. Friday and 6 a.m. Monday.

That was down slightly from the 2,002 arrests made during the same period in 1991.
