
Trivia Quiz : If there...

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Compiled by Kevin Johnson and Matt Lait, Times staff writers

1. The two Anaheim Hills twins who sued the Boy Scouts of America after being removed from their Cub Scout den for not saying an oath to God were recently: A. Ordered back into Scouting by an Orange County Superior Court judge B. Sentenced to a brief term in Juvenile Hall C. Permanently banned from the organization until they agreed to take the oath D. Disqualified from Scouting because of their age and had their lawsuit thrown out of court 2. Harry Veltman III of Westminster was convicted in federal court of sending obscene and threatening mail to which famous athlete? A. Basketball star Earvin (Magic) Johnson B. Olympic swimmer Janet Evans C. Olympic skater Katarina Witt D. All of the above 3. When Dr. Thomas A. Gionis was accused of hiring thugs to terrorize ex-wife Aissa Wayne, the daughter of John Wayne, what trio of hotshot defense attorneys was enlisted in the ultimately unsuccessful, four-year campaign to keep the Pomona physician out of jail? A. Charles (Racehorse) Haynes, Milton C. Grimes and Alan Dershowitz B. Arnold Becker, Stuart Markowitz and Leland McKenzie C. F. Lee Bailey, John L. Barnett and Bruce Cutler D. Paul Meyer, George Peters and Stephen C. Neal 4. In one of California’s largest charity fraud cases, the state sued three Orange County groups that were allegedly funneling into organizers’ hands more than this percentage of their $8.6 million in contributions: A. 95% B. 85% C. 80% D. 50% 5. Anaheim Police Chief Joseph T. Molloy has been moonlighting this year as: A. A security guard at Anaheim 7-Eleven stores B. A bouncer at the Shark Club in Costa Mesa C. Security consultant for Disneyland D. Security consultant for the Los Angeles Rams 6. On July 18, Huntington Beach opened and dedicated its new pier. The cost and length of the new structure were: A. $15 million and 1,780 feet B. $13.7 million and 1,500 feet C. $16 million and 1,230 feet D. $10.8 million and 1,856 feet 7. What prominent Orange County figure offered to come to the aid of cash-strapped county officials by offering to build and operate a jail? A. Former Angels pitcher Jim Abbott B. Disney Chairman Michael Eisner C. Developer Kathryn Thompson D. Evangelist Rev. Robert H. Schuller 8. Orange County Supervisor Don R. Roth, under investigation involving allegations of influence-peddling, was once mayor of what city? A. Laguna Beach B. Newport Beach C. Huntington Beach D. None of the above 9. Orange County Sheriff Brad Gates battled county officials over the spending of drug-forfeiture assets that he had wanted to use for: A. Purchase of a Mercedes for the Sheriff’s Department B. Development of a drug-training law enforcement center on a ranch C. Construction of a new county jail in Gypsum Canyon D. A full-length feature film on serial killer Randy Kraft 10. In an attempt to make Newport Beach’s oceanfront walkway more attractive for pedestrians, the City Council outlawed what popular pastime? A. Commandeering ferry barges across Newport Harbor B. Skateboarding along the boardwalk C. Live music in local restaurants and bars D. Sunbathing from lifeguard towers 11. Orange County cyclists have repeatedly petitioned the Huntington Beach City Council for help on a project that has generated much interest. What project is it? A. A proposed water bike for touring the Bolsa Chica wetlands B. Inclusion of bike lanes along Pacific Coast Highway C. Additional bike racks to be built in downtown Huntington Beach D. A bike bridge over Pacific Coast Highway 12. Election Day brought political breakthroughs for Orange County’s Asian community with Tony Lam of Garden Grove becoming the first Vietnamese-American in the nation elected to public office. What office does Lam currently hold? A. City councilman B. County supervisor C. Superior Court judge D. U.S. senator 13. The Flying Elvises, famed for their nighttime sky-diving exploits in the movie “Honeymoon in Vegas,” performed locally for what occasion? A. The swearing in of Roger R. Stanton as chairman of Board of Supervisors B. Celebration of local gang truce C. Opening of the Hard Rock Cafe at Fashion Island D. Opening of duck hunting season 14. When Disney Chairman Michael Eisner announced that the company planned to bring a hockey franchise to Anaheim he offered up what possible name for the team? A. The Anaheim Mickeys B. The Mighty Ducks C. The Iceketeers D. The Matterhorners 15. This city has the lowest violent crime rate in Orange County, according to the latest state Department of Justice figures. A. Irvine B. Yorba Linda C. Seal Beach D. Mission Viejo 16. The medical license of Tustin gynecologist Ivan C. Namihas was revoked for what reason(s)? A. Failing to pay professional license fees B. Sexually abusing or mistreating more than 60 female patients C. Failing to obtain proper academic credentials D. All of the above 17. Why did a judge overrule Richard DeHoyos’ conviction in the kidnaping and murder of a 9-year-old Santa Ana girl? A. The defendant, who barked and growled during trial, was found insane B. The prosecutor used inadmissible evidence C. Police never read DeHoyos his rights D. Jury misconduct 18. Under a controversial cost-cutting plan approved by the Orange County Board of Supervisors, nearly three dozen county facilities will: A. Close down every other Friday beginning in February B. Be sold C. Switch to a more energy-efficient lighting system D. Be torn down 19. Discussion of what action dominated Westminster Personnel Commission hearings involving city Fire Chief D’Wayne Scott? A. Crash of a city firetruck B. Refusal to dispatch units to Los Angeles during riots C. Smoking during Fire Prevention Week D. Use of unauthorized vehicles 20. This year marked the 25th anniversary of what Orange County disaster that scorched 48,000 acres, destroyed more than 60 homes and killed one woman? A. Gypsum Canyon fire B. Paseo Grande fire C. Carbon Canyon fire D. Santa Ana Canyon fire 21. In what city was the color “eggshell” outlawed for a home? (Hint: “sandstone” is legal.) A. Laguna Beach B. Stanton C. Newport Beach D. Westminster 22. Three hundred surfers held a “paddle-out” staged by the Surfrider Foundation to oppose a plan to build 5,000 homes in this area of Orange County: A. Crystal Cove B. Emerald Bay C. Bolsa Chica mesa and wetlands D. Lido Island 23. After years of indecision, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency came up with its preference on how to handle cleanup of the McColl toxic waste dump site in Fullerton. Its proposal involves: A. Leaving it in the ground and building a golf course there B. Constructing incinerators to burn the waste C. Excavating the waste and trucking it to a landfill in Bakersfield D. Leaving it in the ground and injecting some with a solidifying material 24. During a brutal storm that brought 4 to 5 inches of rain to Orange County in December, which major freeway was closed down for about nine hours because its pumping capacity was overwhelmed? A. San Diego Freeway B. Costa Mesa Freeway C. Garden Grove Freeway D. Riverside Freeway 25. On Election Day, this city became the last in Orange County to elect a woman to its City Council? A. San Juan Capistrano B. Mission Viejo C. Seal Beach D. Brea 26. While development has been allowed in this Orange County city’s many valleys, a local developer is threatening to challenge a city law that makes the ridgelines off-limits to building: A. Orange B. San Juan Capistrano C. Tustin D. Yorba Linda 27. In an extraordinary, preemptive move, this group has sued the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, seeking to dismiss efforts to protect the California gnatcatcher: A. Southern California builders B. Orange County tollway officials C. Both A and B D. None of the above 28. The federal government announced it would give the city of Santa Ana $1.1 million for a program called “Weed and Seed.” What is the program’s goal? A. Weed out inefficiencies at City Hall B. Re-landscape city streets in deteriorated neighborhoods C. Place more police in a central city neighborhood D. Find and destroy marijuana plants in the city 29. Sylvester Stallone and Bruce Willis are among the owners of a new restaurant called Planet Hollywood. Where is it located? A. Costa Mesa B. Laguna Beach C. Newport Beach D. Santa Ana 30. What guest speaker’s appearance at a local high school brought strong objection from school officials and parents? A. Ivan Boesky B. Charles H. Keating Jr. C. Earvin (Magic) Johnson D. Rodney G. King 31. Squeezed by the state’s many financial problems, Cal State Fullerton was forced to suspend what sport for a year? A. Football B. Field hockey C. Rowing D. Baseball 32. Leisure World has developed a number of entertainment programs for its residents in Laguna Hills. Among the most popular pastimes is: A. Belly-dancing B. Ice-skating C. Hurdling D. Golf-cart racing 33. To recognize the 20th anniversary of the completion of the seven NASA Apollo missions that put a man on the moon, where in Orange County were moon rocks placed on display? A. Planet Hollywood B. John Wayne’s house C. Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace D. Orange County Discovery Museum 34. Following the gang-related slaying of Mauro Vergara Meza, the Santa Ana City Council approved a program designed to: A. Make gang membership illegal B. Increase the size of the Police Department’s gang unit C. Double the city’s after-school recreation program and encourage jobs for local youths D. Use police officers on foot patrol through gang-plagued areas 35. Popular California Angels pitcher Jim Abbott was traded to what major league team? A. New York Mets B. New York Yankees C. Los Angeles Dodgers D. Baltimore Orioles 36. The Jasmine Park Homeowners Assn. in Corona del Mar took three of its residents to court in June because: A. Their trees were too tall B. Their dogs were too fat C. Their parties were too loud

Trivia Quiz Answers 1. A: The two Anaheim Hills twins who sued the Boy Scouts did not serve time in Juvenile Hall; they were sent back to their Scouting troop by an Orange County Superior Court judge. 2. C: Olympic gold medal skater Katarina Witt is the athlete who received obscene and threatening mail. 3. C: If you picked B, that was the legal team from television’s “L.A. Law.” The lawyers chosen by Dr. Gionis were Bailey, Barnett and Cutler. 4. A: In the charity fraud scam, organizers shaved 95% of the contributions. 5. D: That wasn’t Chief Molloy at the Shark Club--his moonlighting job was helping with security for the Los Angeles Rams. 6. D: The new Huntington Beach pier cost $10.8 million and it is 1,856 feet long. 7. C: Although the jails are still full, Thompson’s offer has not been acted on. 8. D: Roth once served as mayor of Anaheim. 9. B: The sheriff officially lost his battle when the U.S. attorney’s office found that the money could be used to operate a jail expansion. 10. B: Newport Beach’s oceanfront walkway no longer allows skateboarding. 11. B: Cyclists want more room to “hammer” on Pacific Coast Highway. 12. A: Tony Lam of Garden Grove became the first Vietnamese-American in the nation elected to the City Council. 13. C: The Flying Elvises’ performance was for the opening of the Hard Rock Cafe at Fashion Island. 14. B: Disney Chairman Eisner’s suggestion was to name the hockey team the Mighty Ducks. 15. A: That distinction belongs to the city of Irvine. 16. B: Sexually abusing female patients. 17. D: Though DeHoyos did bark and growl like a dog, it was jury misconduct that prompted a judge to overrule his conviction. 18. A: An after-Christmas building sale could mean additional revenue for the county, but closure every other Friday still promises significant savings. 19. B: Scott refused to send his city’s fire units to help fight fires in Los Angeles. 20. B: This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Paseo Grande fire. 21. A: In a city known for its attention to the arts, it is only appropriate that Laguna Beach make rulings on the color of house paint. 22. C: Surfers were protesting proposed development of the Bolsa Chica mesa and wetlands. 23. D: The “solidifying material” makes the difference here. 24. B: Rush-hour traffic from the Costa Mesa Freeway swamped local surface streets during the closure. 25. A: In what was proclaimed as the “Year of the Woman” in national politics, the gender barrier was broken in San Juan Capistrano. 26. B: Make that two in a row for good ol’ San Juan Capistrano. 27. C: With so many enemies, do you ever wonder if the gnatcatcher has thought about moving? 28. C: Santa Ana hopes more police deployed in troubled areas could bring down the crime rate. 29. D: Planet Hollywood landed in Santa Ana. 30. D: The response followed King’s appearance at Tustin High School. 31. A: Cal State Fullerton was forced to discontinue football. 32. A: While there is probably plenty of golf-cart traffic in the area, belly-dancing has proved to be a very popular activity. 33. C: But Planet Hollywood does not have any moon rocks. Those can be found at the Nixon Library. 34. C: The tragic shooting of Meza caused much community outrage and the city to double its after-school recreation program. 35. B: Next season, pitcher Abbott will be wearing Yankee pin stripes. 36. B: It wasn’t the loud parties. The Jasmine Park homeowners took three residents to court because their dogs were too fat. Los Angeles Times Times staff writers Bill Billiter, Marla Cone, Len Hall, Eric Lichtblau, Gebe Martinez, Dan Weikel, Jodi Wilgoren, Eric Young and Assistant City Editor Marcy Springer contributed to the quiz.
