
New Soda Aims to Jolt Diet Drinkers

Associated Press

Jolt, the soft-drink company that brought you “all the sugar and twice the caffeine,” is introducing a diet lemon-lime soda.

Diet Citra Soda will have the same 72 milligrams of caffeine per 12 ounces as its sister soda Jolt, but only 1 calorie per can.

The caffeine content is just below the maximum allowed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and double the amount in regular Pepsi and Coca-Cola.


Jolt President C. J. Rapp says Jolt, introduced seven years ago, is particularly popular with those looking for an “eye-opening beverage”: truckers, people on military installations and on Wall Street, nurses on the third shift and college students staying up late to study.
