
LA HABRA : Community Center Move on Agenda


The City Council tonight will consider moving its Community Services Department to a new complex to be built across the street from City Hall at a site known as Civic Center West.

“I think there’s a high likelihood that the property will be developed with a community center on it because the present facilities are inadequate,” Councilman James Flora said.

Currently, community services, including recreational and senior citizen programs, are being provided at City Hall.


Civic Center West, a city-owned strip of land, is on the northwest corner of La Habra Boulevard and Euclid Street. The site is being cleared of old buildings that do not meet earthquake standards.

The 20,000- to 25,000-square-foot building would provide meeting rooms for local service clubs.

“It would be a community center to be used by senior citizens, youths and the public at large,” Flora said.

The project would cost an estimated $2.4 million, and construction could begin within a year after an environmental impact study is completed, Deputy City Manager Kathy K. Kim said.

At the meeting, the council also will consider:

* Synchronizing traffic signals on intersections along Harbor Boulevard, La Habra Boulevard, Lambert Street, Central Avenue, State College Boulevard, Birch Street and Randolph Avenue.

* Supporting Disneyland’s efforts to develop a $3-million resort in Anaheim.

* Expanding the Head Start program in the city’s schools.
