
LOS ANGELES : Rise in Domestic Violence Linked to Super Bowl


Because some shelters report an increase in domestic violence during the Super Bowl, the media group Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting has prepared a public service announcement warning men that wife-beating is a crime.

Pregame self-defense classes for women will also be held by the Los Angeles Commission on Assaults Against Women. Drew Yellen, a Northridge psychologist, has offered free counseling to men and women at (818) 360-3078.

The Los Angeles Police Department has reported an increase in felony domestic violence arrests during the past two Super Bowls. The daily average of such arrests in the city is 20, but during last year’s game there were 34 and in 1991 there were 27.


For some sports fanatics watching the game, Yellen said, “the adrenaline goes up, the aggressiveness goes up as if the person were on the bench. There’s no place to vent this anger.” He said he has seen women beaten for walking in front of the television during a crucial play.
