
Bolsa Chica Wetlands Preservation

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To put in the proper perspective the two letters (“Paying for Bolsa Chica Wetlands,” Feb. 21), may I add a few facts to bring the truth about the development into the open.

One of the letter writers says: “. . . the Koll Co. has not offered the property for sale, nor does it wish to sell the property.” The Koll Co. does not own the property. There are eight landowners of the Bolsa Chica: the Metropolitan Water District, Ocean View School District, Fieldstone (a developer), the city of Huntington Beach, the Huntington Beach Co., Goodell (a private individual), the state of California and Signal Landmark, which was Henley and recently changed its name to Bolsa Chica.

The developer in the Koll plan has agreed to restore one acre of wetlands for every acre it is allowed to build on. If it is denied the right to build on the lowlands, there will be no restoration. But it will still be able to build 4,884 structures on the mesa. That is 35 dwellings to the acre.


The traffic problems from this development will amount to 40,000 trips a day coming out on Los Patos, Pacific Coast Highway and Warner. Plans include widening PCH at Warner to six lanes.


Huntington Beach
