
THEATER REVIEW : Capsis’ Solo Show Has a Cast of Dozens


Janis Joplin is alive and well and living in the body of Paul Capsis.

So are a number of other entertainers, but less comfortably. After all, Prince, Michael Jackson, Bette Midler, Diana Ross and Tina Turner aren’t ready to be reincarnated. Their souls probably resist the Australian impersonator’s uncanny power.

Making his American debut, the aptly titled “Paul Capsis and a Pack of Divas” solo show at New York Company Cabaret seems to have a cast of dozens. In sequined drag, Capsis dances and sings--no lip-syncing--in perfect mimicry of his chosen subjects . . . except for Michael Jackson, whose idiosyncratic steps are difficult to master and therefore prey to outrageous parody.

Although Capsis has a surprisingly strong, imitative voice, it’s not until he portrays Janis Joplin that we glimpse his true range. Flailing his long hair and stomping his feet, eyes closed while belting “Ball and Chain,” Capsis seems possessed by Janis.


* “Paul Capsis and a Pack of Divas,” New York Company Cabaret, 2470 Fletcher, Los Angeles. July 23, 9 p.m., July 24, 8 and 10 p.m. $12. (213) 665-1115. Running time: 1 hour.
