
Lawyer Without License Is Put on Probation

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A Ventura attorney convicted of practicing law without a license had his probation reinstated Wednesday--but was given no more jail time--after a judge determined that he is cooperating with efforts by the California State Bar to take over his legal practice.

Kenneth G. Makature had been ruled in violation of an earlier probation grant when he failed to show up to serve a 30-day jail sentence for his felony conviction. He was arrested later at a psychiatric treatment facility and has since served his jail time, Deputy Dist. Atty. Matthew J. Hardy said.

The purpose of Wednesday’s hearing was to decide whether Makature, 55, should be given more jail time for violating his probation. After a State Bar representative told the court that Makature had turned over all his legal files and was cooperating in the termination of his business, Superior Court Judge Charles W. Campbell decided to place Makature back on probation.


Makature, a former deputy city attorney for Ventura, pleaded guilty earlier this year to three counts of practicing law last September while his license was suspended for failure to pay his bar association dues.

It was the fourth time in Makature’s 28-year legal career that his license was suspended for failure to pay bar dues.

Hardy said any of Makature’s former clients who have questions about their cases or need access to their legal files should contact State Bar attorney Murray Greenberg at (213) 580-5000.
