
A Better Plan for Oxnard Airport


The Federal Aviation Administration has offered the Oxnard Airport a $1.7-million grant in a desperate attempt to save the airport.

My question is this: Why waste so much money on an airport that so few want?

My guess is that 95% of the residents of Oxnard never have and never will use the airport. The airport’s own budget reports indicate that little revenue is generated that directly benefits the city. In fact, the only contributions the airport makes to most of us living in Oxnard is added noise and air pollution. The time when the city of Oxnard and the airport can co-exist is over.

But there is an answer which is under consideration by a county sub-committee. This plan would call for closing the airport at its present location and relocating the airport’s services to the Pt. Mugu Air Base, where services and financial resources could be combined offering an effective and efficient commercial airport that would best service the entire county and could still co-exist with the cities.


Those favoring such a plan should contact their government officials to let their feelings be known.


