
Is It Hyperbolic to Call Her Unfair?

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Please, please give L.A. hockey fans a break and put Lisa Dillman on an assignment she either likes or understands. Her doggedly negative coverage of the Kings has reached a nadir long-suffering King fans should not have to endure.

Contrary to Ms. Dillman’s article, it is not “hyperbolic” to describe Shawn McEachern as a potential 40-goal scorer, as Barry Melrose did. Lisa either doesn’t understand the word or assumed we stupid hockey fans wouldn’t, but when a guy scores 28 goals as a rookie, there is no hyperbole involved in calling him a potential 40-goal scorer.

Hyperbole would be calling the misanthropic Ms. Dillman objective.


A big “You screwed up!” to Bruce McNall and the entire King organization for trading valuable defenseman Marty McSorley.


If they feel that they don’t need a player the caliber of Marty, let’s see them get on the ice and defend No. 99 and the team. Maybe then, they will realize their loss.

So, remember King fans, if the King defense can’t get the ice to melt, like Marty got it to do, then we know just the man to turn to and blame--Bruce McNall, for making one stupid and unnecessary trade.

NINA MERAN, Whittier

Marty, thanks for the McMemories, you’ll be McSorley missed.

JIM KARLOCK, Hawthorne
