
Cable Company Offers Less for More

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* Laguna Beach has the Pacific Ocean on the front side of town and mountains on the back side. One must subscribe to Dimension Cable in order to receive TV reception. Since the Federal Communications Commission ruling went into effect, Dimension Cable has removed all FM radio transmissions into Laguna Beach. FM radio will now cost approximately $9.95 per month. That price will provide limited listening that has been predetermined suitable for all Dimension subscribers. Dimension accomplished this listening choice via a market survey.

It’s bad enough that we have to pay for TV! There should be no hookup or monthly fee for FM connection to cable, and it should include all available transmissions in our area. Radio Free Europe, but not in America! Tiny as this may seem, does anyone understand the implications of this situation?

Freedom . . . chip, chip . . . reedom . . . chip, chip . . . eedom . . . chip, chip . . . edom . . . chip, chip . . . oops, all gone!


Laguna Beach

* A year ago, we were hopeful that our monthly cable TV costs would go down following the passage of legislation in the House and Senate.

We have received a double whammy from our cable company, Dimension Cable Services: Our monthly bill for the period ending Sept. 4 is $27.45; last month it was $2.72 less. Apparently, we subscribers who only want the more basic cable channels are to be penalized, while those who buy all of the cable channels will find things a little cheaper. That may serve the interests of the cable company but certainly not those of the majority of consumers. To add further injury, in a separate communication, Dimension informed us that its cable service may not include KCBS (the CBS channel) in the future.


What’s going on? Cable is supposed to cost less and will cost more for most of us! And there’s no way that we are going to tolerate CBS being eliminated from our TV watching, regardless of whether Dimension or CBS (or both) is the culprit. I’ll quit cable and invest in better TV antennas before that happens.

I hope that my representatives in the House and Senate will take the kind of steps that restore some fairness and sanity to the cable scene.


San Juan Capistrano
