
Ex-Robertson, Falwell Writer on ‘Fighting Religious Right’ Panel

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Mel White, who was ghost writer of books for religious conservatives Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell before declaring his homosexuality last year, will join a panel discussion Monday in West Hollywood on “Fighting the Religious Right.”

White is senior pastor of the Cathedral of Hope Metropolitan Community Church in Dallas, the largest gay and lesbian church in the world.

Besides writing inspirational books under his own name and producing more than 50 film documentaries with Christian themes, White ghost-wrote Pat Robertson’s “America’s Date With Destiny,” Falwell’s autobiography, speeches for Oliver L. North and Billy Graham’s “Approaching Hoofbeats.”


Now, White is joining with other gays and lesbians to sound an alarm over what they see as “a rising tide of homophobia” stirred by religious conservatives. Numerous conservative religious groups have been using the gays in the military issue to solicit funds and members.

Besides White, other members of the panel are the Rev. Nancy Wilson, pastor of the Metropolitan Community Church of Los Angeles; Lorri L. Jean, executive director of the Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Community Services Center; Rabbi Denise L. Eger of Congregation Kol Ami, West Hollywood; J. Craig Fong, director of LAMBDA Legal Defense and Education Fund on the West Coast, and Phill Wilson, director of public policy for AIDS Project Los Angeles.

The panel will be held at West Hollywood Park, 647 N. San Vincente Blvd., near Melrose Avenue, from 7 to 9 p.m. There is no admission charge.


It is co-sponsored by the Metropolitan Community Church of Los Angeles and the Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Community Services Center.
