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* AREN’T YOU RICK SHAW?: During Warren Moon’s first years in the league, to avoid constant fan harassment, he registered at hotels under the names of current and former Canadian Football League quarterbacks.

He still uses aliases. In New Orleans at the start of season, he was Bill Fold. In San Diego last week, he was Vic Tory.

* RECORD PACE: John Carney of the San Diego Chargers, having kicked an NFL-record 29 consecutive field goals, has more field goals this season, 13, than any other two AFC kickers combined . At his current pace, he will finish the season with 69 field goals, nearly doubling the NFL record of 35 kicked in 1983 by Ali Haji-Sheikh for the New York Giants.


* GLORY ROADS: Terry Kirby, the Dolphins’ rookie running back, has two streets named after him in his hometown of Tabb, Va.--Kirby Lane and Terry’s Run. He can hardly brag about it in the locker room, though. Coach Don Shula has an entire freeway named after him.

* FATHER KNOWS BETTER: Dave Shula, the Cincinnati Bengals’ struggling coach, should have known better than to leave the mother (father?) ship. Except for his seven seasons as an assistant to his father, Don, with the Miami Dolphins, the younger Shula is 18-65 in his pro football career.

That record includes losing seasons as a wide receiver with the Baltimore Colts, assistant with the Dallas Cowboys, and assistant and now head coach with the Bengals.


* THE NEW NFL, GET USED TO IT: Barry Foster’s new contract with the Pittsburgh Steelers, $10 million over four years, means his annual average salary is greater than his starting offensive line’s combined.

* THE NEW NFL, PART II: When Bobby Humphrey of the Miami Dolphins was put on injured reserve recently because of a knee injury, he told reporters: “I just got done talking to my wife and telling her I was looking forward to playing in six weeks.”

He had to call her back. He was unaware that under the new agreement, players on injured reserve must sit out the season.
