
Whom to Call


Here are some important numbers to use for fire information. All are in the 714 area code unless otherwise noted:

* Orange County Hot Line: 834-7285. The County Emergency Operations Center is a complete information source for disaster victims. The line, staffed by various public safety agencies, will remain active for as long as it is needed. Board of Supervisors Chairwoman Harriett M. Wieder and Gov. Pete Wilson declared a state of emergency late Wednesday, making the county eligible for state and federal disaster aid. Disaster aid centers have yet to be established, and the hot line is the number to use until then.

* American Red Cross: 835-5381. The Red Cross is handling inquiries from people whose relatives live in the path of a fire. The organization is seeking donations of money and goods and services. It is also asking Red Cross-trained volunteers to contact the Orange County office. Red Cross shelters are situated at Dana Hills High School, 33333 Street of the Golden Lantern, Dana Point, and at Corona del Mar High School, 2101 Eastbluff Drive, Corona del Mar.


* School districts: Laguna Beach Unified, 497-7700. Orange Unified, 997-6131 (all schools open, including those serving Anaheim Hills); Newport-Mesa Unified, 760-3200 (Corona del Mar High being used as Red Cross shelter for evacuees; no plans to close schools).

* Laguna Beach County Water District: 494-1041.

* U.S. Postal Service mail hot lines: 495-1511 and 495-1510. Do not call the numbers listed in the phone book.

* Southern California Edison: 581-1210 for fire-related service problems.

* GTE: The phone company, which serves Laguna Beach, requests that residents limit calls to emergencies only. For service questions, call 611.

* California Department of Insurance: (800) 927-HELP. Trained counselors, many of whom assisted fire victims in last year’s Oakland fire, will advise residents whose houses were damaged or destroyed.

* United Policyholders: (510) 841-8646. Oakland-based nonprofit organization advises insurance policyholders of their rights. Worked with victims of the Oakland fire and of the hurricane that devastated Florida.

* Western Insurance Information Service: (800) 391-1679. Insurance industry-sponsored educational organization; also supplies brochures about coverage.
