
Get Back to Business of Educating Kids


* I had great hopes that the most recent election of four new trustees in the Orange Unified School District would bring about the healing that is needed to restore confidence in the district, and to let the board resume doing the business of educating the children.

But the caustic memo circulated among the staff members by teacher Mark Rona (“Memo Blasts 3 Orange School Board Members,” Nov. 17) has proven that there are certain factions that do not want peace, nor will they adopt a wait-and-see attitude.

This is so discouraging to me, because I ran as a candidate in this election, and although I did not win, I will support those people who did.


The first order of business is to stop the infighting. I think the new board is prepared to do that, but the external forces, like the unions, should give them some breathing space.

The parents always have, and will continue to support the teacher in the classroom, the principals and the staff. But we will stand up to the unions if they continue to promote discord which disrupts this district. We will not let the business of educating our children be disrupted any longer.


