
COSTA MESA : City to Discuss Trash District Takeover


The City Council will meet today to discuss a takeover of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District, the independent government agency in charge of residential trash collection.

The sanitary district’s board of directors sets trash rates without consulting the council. Founded 50 years ago, the district includes all of Costa Mesa and parts of Newport Beach and unincorporated county land.

Mayor Sandra L. Genis said she is concerned about the council’s lack of control over trash collection. She noted that state laws now call for cities to increase levels of recycling, “which leaves us with the responsibility and the penalties, if there are any, but no authority to do it.”


Jim Wahner, who heads the board of directors and has been a member for 15 years, said he and other board members see no need for the city to control trash collection.

“We’ve looked at it,” Wahner said. “We don’t really feel that it warrants any change. We are run by a very (financially) conservative group of people. We all feel strongly that we’re looking out for the public the best we can.”

Wahner said the district consistently recycles more than the state-required 25% rate. The district sends trash to a sorting facility in Stanton, where recyclables are separated out.

The sanitary district was founded 10 years before the city was incorporated, and has an elected board of five directors. Genis said if the city took over the district, it would probably be run by the council or a committee. The sanitary district now operates out of City Hall, and employs some city personnel for clerical and other duties.

The council will discuss the takeover at a 4 p.m. study session, and has invited the sanitary district directors. Wahner said he will not attend, but wants to have a joint meeting next week with the council.

Genis said any takeover would have to be approved by voters unless Wahner and other directors choose to dissolve the district.
