
Deadline Is Extended for Disaster Aid Applications


With thousands of victims of the Northridge earthquake continuing to register for disaster assistance, the deadline for filing applications has been extended 60 days to May 17, federal officials said Wednesday.

Those seeking financial aid can register at one of nine Earthquake Service Centers or three remaining Disaster Application Centers or by telephone at 1-800-462-9029, they said.

“We want to be sure that everyone affected by the disaster has ample time to apply,” said Frank Kishton, coordinating officer for the Federal Emergency Management Agency. FEMA and the governor’s Office of Emergency Service jointly operate the service centers.


The deadline for the Small Business Adminstration’s disaster loan program to individuals and businesses has also been extended to May 17. However, the deadline to apply for SBA’s Economic Injury Loans--which provide working capital for firms hurt financially by the quake--remains Oct. 17.

As of March 15, about 454,650 individuals had applied for assistance, more than 4,000 registering Tuesday alone. FEMA has disbursed nearly $473 million for disaster housing assistance, SBA has approved more than $456 million in individual and business loans and the state’s Individual and Family Grant Program has approved nearly $6.4 million in aid.
