
Fear of Crime Lingers After Rescue of Girl, 12

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<i> From Associated Press</i>

When kidnaped 12-year-old Kathleen (Katie) Romanek emerged from a parched cow pasture, it brought sobs of relief from residents and praise for the near-instant response from law enforcement.

But the girl’s 20-hour abduction that ended Sunday raised fears that this close-knit farm town is not the haven that residents had always imagined.

“The fact that she was able to walk out of that area is good news,” said Maureen Alldredge, a senior citizen who had joined about 500 volunteers helping with the search. “But this has shown us that this stuff permeates our society. We are all now aware that this world is unsafe, even in Lodi.”


Katie, kidnaped at knifepoint Saturday evening from her Lodi home, was bruised on her lip and eye but otherwise appeared unharmed, according to San Joaquin County Sheriff Baxter Dunn. She reportedly was back home with her family Monday.

Police on Sunday arrested Steven Reece Cochran, 25, and booked him on investigation of burglary, kidnaping and sexual assault. He was being held without bail. Cochran has served time in jail in Arizona for burglary, Lodi Police Chief Larry Hansen said.

Katie’s rescue and the arrest climaxed a frantic search set in full motion within hours of the crime.


Hansen said the efforts paid off in capturing Cochran, who collapsed shortly after surrendering to authorities just outside the rural town of Bellota.

“He was very much aware of the intensity of the police search,” Hansen said. “I believe it was just a shrugging of the shoulders and then giving up.”

Katie, too, knew police were searching for her--she could hear a helicopter above the field where she was being held captive. But as she was whisked from the scene to a nearby hospital, she told deputies she had just one desire.


“She was concerned about seeing her parents,” said Dunn, the sheriff.

The relief of Katie’s father, Bob Romanek, was apparent.

“I just thank God that we got her back,” he said.
