
City Buying Land to Widen Trask Avenue

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The City Council has authorized the purchase of four lots for the widening of Trask Avenue from Newhope to Brookhurst streets.

The four properties, totaling 21,400 square feet, will be purchased for $508,000. Three of the properties are currently occupied.

Armando Morales, the city’s real-property manager, said that a Long Beach company, Pacific Relocation, has been hired to help three families find new places to live.


The largest parcel, 7,500 square feet, is at 11121 Trask Ave. and is owned by Paul L. Miller. The city has agreed to buy the land for $165,000, Morales said.

The smallest lot is 1,112 square feet at 10841 Trask Ave. The city will buy it from its owner, Joseph Luu, for $22,500. The strip will be used as an easement.

The city will pay $153,000 for a 6,600-square-foot property at 10192 Trask Ave., owned by Lois and Wilbur Stapp, and it will pay $167,000 for the fourth parcel owned by Clayton, Clayton & Co. at 10192 Trask Ave.


Once completed, the $18-million widening project will ease congestion along Trask Avenue, said project manager Mel Araki. He said one lane will be added in each direction, and the project is expected to begin next year.

The project will be financed with a $10-million bond sale by the Community Development Agency and with money from Measure M, the half-cent sale tax voters approved in 1990 to improve transportation in Orange County, Araki said.
